Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Line Coding Techniques in Matlab
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Embedded Trainer ET-51LS TRAINER
To learn the working of switch statement ,you can write a program which generates different led patterns based on the input from 4 switches provided.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Generating fixed clock using 8051 Microcontroller.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Designing a Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter
Lets discuss about designing a Voltage Source Inverter using IGBT
First let me start by explaining the working concept for voltage source inverter.
Three Phase Voltage source inverters are used where it is required to generate and control a three phase power from a single phase source.For example in remote areas where power is being generated from solar primarily.The three phase power offers more flexibility and efficiency in all applications like watwr pumping ,irrigation etc.
So let us start designing a vsi.
First make a bridge rectifier ,it can be three phase rectifier or single phase rectifier depending upon your requirement then make sure the voltage is more than 290V DC.Then put a series lamp preferrably 200w in series.
Use a 6-IGBT bridge and apply the dc to both the sides of the inverter by shorting one end of the IGBTs.
Now generate the PWM from microcontroller and trigger the igbt by firing pair in a sequence.You will observe three phase at output.It can be used to run motors and all different loads.
I hope this blog will help to get a good understanding of the inverter.
My plan is to launch my own Three Phase VSI by tomorrow ,wish me luck.Watch my youtube videos for more info.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Designing a AC Motor Controller
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Controlling a induction motor using a single phase induction motor controller
There are two ways of controlling the speed of a 230v induction motor
1. By varying the ac voltage
2. By varying the line frequency
In this method of controlling the ac motor ,we will be using a TRIAC which is fired by an UJT.
As the name suggests the TRIAC can conduct in both the directions controlled by a gate pulse.
The gate pulse is varied by a Uni Junction Transistor which has a property to generate pwm.The advantage of triggering with UJT is that it offers a regular off timw for the TRIAC to cool down and as a result the requirement of heat sink is reduced.
The firing of UJT is generated by varying the dc voltage at the base.But the convenience of easy firing scheme has a drwaback of low range of operation i.e. from ac 20v to 190v.
I hope you had a great time reading this article join me tomorrow with more information. To see the working of Electric Drives AC and DC.Visit my youtube channel Fully Controlled Bridge.Rgectifier Trainer
Tips and Tricks on Interfacing LCD with Microcontroller
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Today I will explain you creating a Interface on any LCD with a microcontroller like 8051,ARM .
Many development boards have inbuilt hardware lines with the io's of mixrocontroller but for a novice i would suggest doing it manually.
1. Always connect the data lines of the LCD to the port which has all the IO Lines free
2. You can always mix the control lines of LCD with the data input lines.
3. Make sure you always read a switch on the interrupt,it allows the program to run smoothly.
4. Always study your LCD Datasheet's timing diagram before working on the Interfacing.
5. Always keep a time delay(in millisec) that works best with your LCD to refresh the data(refer to your LCD's Datasheet for exact delay).
6. Always keep a CRO/DSO handy while working with LCD, if the screen does not refresh itself after you reset the controller,then there is a problem with your EN signal.
7. If LCD is getting CLEARED,but the data is not displaying then there is a problem with the delay in LCD WRITE routine.Use the CRO probe on the data lines ,you should be able to see a clock on the data lines if the LCD is recieving the data otherwise check your cnnections
I hace uploaded a circuit for LCD Interfacing which has worked for me for interfacing with 89C51RD2 .
I will be working on creating PWM for controlling a Single Phase Induction Motor in coming days and will upload tips and tricks for the same.
Have a great time and mail me all your queries in the comments section.For more panels and instruments used in Engineering Labs refer to my youtube videos
Digital Communication Trainer - The youtube helps you to learn the concept of PAM ,PPM and PWM experiments done on a Vinytics Communcation Lab Instruments Kit
See the suggested video columns for training kits that are used in your own college Labs and master them.